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With fragments of time and history invading our world and threatening human existence, one family discovers that their tragedy is at the center of it all.With a global scope and cinematic vision, Fragmentation is a mind-bending and thought-provoking graphic novel from Marc Guggenheim (Arrow, Trollhunters) and Beni R. Lobel (Batman: Arkham Unhinged) that dares to ask the question: Would you sacrifice the world for your family?

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With fragments of time and history invading our world and threatening human existence, one family discovers that their tragedy is at the center of it all.With a global scope and cinematic vision, Fragmentation is a mind-bending and thought-provoking graphic novel from Marc Guggenheim (Arrow, Trollhunters) and Beni R. Lobel (Batman: Arkham Unhinged) that dares to ask the question: Would you sacrifice the world for your family?

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