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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reborn Vol.5 - Mystic Sister

Turtles vs. frogs! Will Mutant Town crumble when a territorial new group, the Punk Frogs, challenges the boys for control? New characters and new threats emerge as the Turtles struggle to maintain a hold on the city! First, the Turtles celebrate the holidays but feel the absence of Master Splinter. With tensions climbing in the neighborhood, can they find their way back to the spirit of the season before disaster strikes? Then, a mysterious new figure arises. Who is Dr. Jasper Barlow and what will some of our heroes do when he makes them an offer they may find hard to refuse... and reveals his most prized creation: VENUS?! Plus, the Triceratons are back! A tense situation goes from bad to worse as they face off against the Utroms. Collects issues #124–130 of IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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Turtles vs. frogs! Will Mutant Town crumble when a territorial new group, the Punk Frogs, challenges the boys for control? New characters and new threats emerge as the Turtles struggle to maintain a hold on the city! First, the Turtles celebrate the holidays but feel the absence of Master Splinter. With tensions climbing in the neighborhood, can they find their way back to the spirit of the season before disaster strikes? Then, a mysterious new figure arises. Who is Dr. Jasper Barlow and what will some of our heroes do when he makes them an offer they may find hard to refuse... and reveals his most prized creation: VENUS?! Plus, the Triceratons are back! A tense situation goes from bad to worse as they face off against the Utroms. Collects issues #124–130 of IDW's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

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