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Kang The Conqueror Only Myself Left To Conquer

Collects Kang The Conqueror (2021) #1-5. The time traveler called Kang the Conqueror has led many lives across many eras. He has been a pharaoh, a villain and a warlord of the spaceways - even, on rare occasions, a hero. Across all timelines, one fact seemed absolute: Time means nothing to Kang. But the truth about the Conqueror is much more complex! Kang is caught in an endless cycle of creation and destruction, dictated by time and previously unseen by any but the Conqueror himself. A cycle that, once revealed, could finally explain the enigma that is Kang. It begins and ends with an old and broken Kang sending his younger self down a dark path. But is there any hope that he can change the tragic fate of his great love, Ravonna Renslayer, and find his way to a better future?

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OverDrive Read



Collects Kang The Conqueror (2021) #1-5. The time traveler called Kang the Conqueror has led many lives across many eras. He has been a pharaoh, a villain and a warlord of the spaceways - even, on rare occasions, a hero. Across all timelines, one fact seemed absolute: Time means nothing to Kang. But the truth about the Conqueror is much more complex! Kang is caught in an endless cycle of creation and destruction, dictated by time and previously unseen by any but the Conqueror himself. A cycle that, once revealed, could finally explain the enigma that is Kang. It begins and ends with an old and broken Kang sending his younger self down a dark path. But is there any hope that he can change the tragic fate of his great love, Ravonna Renslayer, and find his way to a better future?

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