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Godzilla Monsters & Protectors Rise Up!

When Godzilla becomes humanity's judge, life on Earth will hang in the balance in this middle-grade graphic novel adventure! When a coldly single-minded businessman uses an untested element to create clean energy for a profit, he inadvertently awakens the beast from the deep—Godzilla! Sensing the harm the new energy poses to the planet, Godzilla attacks the heart of the problem—humankind! It will be up to three intrepid middle-school students—with a little magic help from Infant Island—to show Godzilla that not all humans are bad… and that there is still hope for Planet Earth. By the superstar creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, and Luis Antonio Delgado!

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When Godzilla becomes humanity's judge, life on Earth will hang in the balance in this middle-grade graphic novel adventure! When a coldly single-minded businessman uses an untested element to create clean energy for a profit, he inadvertently awakens the beast from the deep—Godzilla! Sensing the harm the new energy poses to the planet, Godzilla attacks the heart of the problem—humankind! It will be up to three intrepid middle-school students—with a little magic help from Infant Island—to show Godzilla that not all humans are bad… and that there is still hope for Planet Earth. By the superstar creative team of Erik Burnham, Dan Schoening, and Luis Antonio Delgado!

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