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Brian Michael Bendis, the award-winning cocreator of Miles Morales, Naomi, Jessica Jones, and Powers, tells a modern noir tale of crime, greed, and double cross. A female bail agent, a low-level confidence man, and his loose-cannon sidekick form an unlikely alliance to track down the ultimate score–îa hidden stash of life-altering, untraceable mob cash. For this hard-luck trio, however, the old saying ""more money, more problems"" will prove to be disturbingly prophetic. Collecting all of the original Jinx issues published by Caliber Press and Image Comics, this comprehensive edition features an introduction by acclaimed comics creator David Mack and includes more than sixty pages of behind-the-scenes bonus material!

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Brian Michael Bendis, the award-winning cocreator of Miles Morales, Naomi, Jessica Jones, and Powers, tells a modern noir tale of crime, greed, and double cross. A female bail agent, a low-level confidence man, and his loose-cannon sidekick form an unlikely alliance to track down the ultimate score–îa hidden stash of life-altering, untraceable mob cash. For this hard-luck trio, however, the old saying ""more money, more problems"" will prove to be disturbingly prophetic. Collecting all of the original Jinx issues published by Caliber Press and Image Comics, this comprehensive edition features an introduction by acclaimed comics creator David Mack and includes more than sixty pages of behind-the-scenes bonus material!

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