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X Lives And Deaths Of Wolverine

Collects X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5, X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5. The most expansive Wolverine story of all time! Logan. James Howlett. Weapon X. The mutant known as Wolverine has lived many lives under many identities, but never before has the fate of the future been so entwined with his past! To prevent a terrible tragedy, Logan must travel to various points in time to prevent the death of a key figure in mutant history. But that's only the beginning - because for every life, there must be a death! Fan-favorite eras are explored anew, along with never-before-seen periods in Wolverine's century-long life! But while Logan saves the past, his extended family must step up to protect the present! Benjamin Percy presents a time-shredding saga across all of Wolverine history - and futures yet to come!

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Collects X Lives of Wolverine (2022) #1-5, X Deaths of Wolverine (2022) #1-5. The most expansive Wolverine story of all time! Logan. James Howlett. Weapon X. The mutant known as Wolverine has lived many lives under many identities, but never before has the fate of the future been so entwined with his past! To prevent a terrible tragedy, Logan must travel to various points in time to prevent the death of a key figure in mutant history. But that's only the beginning - because for every life, there must be a death! Fan-favorite eras are explored anew, along with never-before-seen periods in Wolverine's century-long life! But while Logan saves the past, his extended family must step up to protect the present! Benjamin Percy presents a time-shredding saga across all of Wolverine history - and futures yet to come!

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