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Amazing Spider-Man 2099 Companion

Collects 2099 Alpha #1 (2019), Spider-Man 2099 (2019) #1, Fantastic Four 2099 (2019) #1, Ghost Rider 2099 (2019) #1, The Punisher 2099 (2019) #1, Venom 2099 (2019) #1, Doom 2099 (2019) #1, 2099 Omega 2099 (2019) #1. Back to the future! From the pages of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes an epic that threatens the far-flung world of 2099 — and its greatest heroes! The Punisher — fighting a war on crime in the streets of Nueva York! Miguel "Spider-Man" O'Hara — facing his destiny! And Ghost Rider — wreaking vengeance in the city that never stops! Plus: Alchemax has the cure for what ails you — and its name is Venom! But will the future know a new Fantastic Four? In an era where everything has changed, there is one constant: Doom!

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Collects 2099 Alpha #1 (2019), Spider-Man 2099 (2019) #1, Fantastic Four 2099 (2019) #1, Ghost Rider 2099 (2019) #1, The Punisher 2099 (2019) #1, Venom 2099 (2019) #1, Doom 2099 (2019) #1, 2099 Omega 2099 (2019) #1. Back to the future! From the pages of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN comes an epic that threatens the far-flung world of 2099 — and its greatest heroes! The Punisher — fighting a war on crime in the streets of Nueva York! Miguel "Spider-Man" O'Hara — facing his destiny! And Ghost Rider — wreaking vengeance in the city that never stops! Plus: Alchemax has the cure for what ails you — and its name is Venom! But will the future know a new Fantastic Four? In an era where everything has changed, there is one constant: Doom!

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