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World Of Disney Mirrorverse

von Disney
Enter the Mirrorverse with a full-color volume that explores a new and divergent universe brought to life in the exciting action role playing game! Sinister forces are rising in the Mirrorverse, requiring champions mighty enough to meet the deadly challenge. The World of Disney Mirrorverse gives an in-depth look at powerfully amplified versions of Sulley, Baymax, Jack Skellington, Maleficent, Belle, Buzz Lightyear, Captain Jack Sparrow, Scar and more—all evolved in visually dynamic and unexpected ways as Guardians against the oncoming Fractured hordes seeking to shatter the Mirrorverse. Examine familiar Disney and Pixar locations now altered by Stellar Magic, and explore the magnificent new worlds within Disney Mirrorverse! Get a detailed view of the dynamically evolved characters, surprising design concepts, rich lore, stunning environments, and more! A must have for all Disney and Pixar fans and gamers!

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Enter the Mirrorverse with a full-color volume that explores a new and divergent universe brought to life in the exciting action role playing game! Sinister forces are rising in the Mirrorverse, requiring champions mighty enough to meet the deadly challenge. The World of Disney Mirrorverse gives an in-depth look at powerfully amplified versions of Sulley, Baymax, Jack Skellington, Maleficent, Belle, Buzz Lightyear, Captain Jack Sparrow, Scar and more—all evolved in visually dynamic and unexpected ways as Guardians against the oncoming Fractured hordes seeking to shatter the Mirrorverse. Examine familiar Disney and Pixar locations now altered by Stellar Magic, and explore the magnificent new worlds within Disney Mirrorverse! Get a detailed view of the dynamically evolved characters, surprising design concepts, rich lore, stunning environments, and more! A must have for all Disney and Pixar fans and gamers!

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