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50 Years Of Hip-Hop

50 Years Of Hip-Hop

This is your ultimate guide to Hip Hop, covering the entire history from Run-DMC to N.W.A. to Drake and Beyond. In the early 70’s rising from the streets of New York hip-hop becomes a phenomenon! We look at old school which include the dopest of the dope from the dawn of hip-hop and rap, new school with the likes of LL Cool J, the Beastie Boys and more brought hip-hop to the masses. Hip-hop’s golden age was characterized by its diversity, quality, innovation—and bitter rivalries between East and West Coast rappers. The women of hip-hop, since the beginning of rap, females have played a major role as artists and executives, and as the genre evolved, they often eclipsed their male counterparts. Pick up your copy today, and add it to your music collection!

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Häufigkeit: Einmal Herausgeber: A360 Media, LLC Ausgabe: 50 Years Of Hip-Hop

OverDrive Magazine

  • Freigabedatum: 9. Juni 2023


OverDrive Magazine



This is your ultimate guide to Hip Hop, covering the entire history from Run-DMC to N.W.A. to Drake and Beyond. In the early 70’s rising from the streets of New York hip-hop becomes a phenomenon! We look at old school which include the dopest of the dope from the dawn of hip-hop and rap, new school with the likes of LL Cool J, the Beastie Boys and more brought hip-hop to the masses. Hip-hop’s golden age was characterized by its diversity, quality, innovation—and bitter rivalries between East and West Coast rappers. The women of hip-hop, since the beginning of rap, females have played a major role as artists and executives, and as the genre evolved, they often eclipsed their male counterparts. Pick up your copy today, and add it to your music collection!

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