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The Story of Michael J. Fox

The Story of Michael J. Fox

Michael J. Fox has stood tall among his peers for decades as one of the most beloved stars in the business. That’s not just because he’s an award-winning comedic genius who can wring a sly laugh out of any line of dialogue, or a charismatic presence on screens small (Family Ties) and big (Back to the Future). The truth is, the doting father of four (and husband to his TV sweetheart, Tracy Pollan) is also a public health crusader, tirelessly fundraising and speaking on behalf of his namesake organization, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. There’s something bright and hopeful about watching a great personality evolve into an even better person. In The Story of Michael J. Fox, we look back at his most memorable roles and honor his noble life.

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Häufigkeit: Einmal Herausgeber: A360 Media, LLC Ausgabe: The Story of Michael J. Fox

OverDrive Magazine

  • Freigabedatum: 5. Mai 2023


OverDrive Magazine



Michael J. Fox has stood tall among his peers for decades as one of the most beloved stars in the business. That’s not just because he’s an award-winning comedic genius who can wring a sly laugh out of any line of dialogue, or a charismatic presence on screens small (Family Ties) and big (Back to the Future). The truth is, the doting father of four (and husband to his TV sweetheart, Tracy Pollan) is also a public health crusader, tirelessly fundraising and speaking on behalf of his namesake organization, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research. There’s something bright and hopeful about watching a great personality evolve into an even better person. In The Story of Michael J. Fox, we look back at his most memorable roles and honor his noble life.

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