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The Ultimate Guide to Fortnite (Chapter 4 Season 2)

The Ultimate Guide to Fortnite (Chapter 4 Season 2)

A new Season of Fortnite is always a cause for excitement, but Chapter 4, Season 2 is on a whole new level. The southern end of the Island has been completely transformed, with a brand-new Biome inspired by incredible real-life locations in Japan. Wander the dark streets of MEGA City, a futuristic cyberpunk metropolis, or admire the traditional architecture and stunning scenery in the surrounding regions—this is Fortnite like we’ve never seen it before! There are also some new game mechanics coming to spice up the fight, like Rail Grinding: You can explore the Island at lightning speed while keeping your hands free for combat. Take to the skies, ride the rails and get a bird’s-eye view of the landscape . The new Battle Pass is as exciting as ever, jam-packed with amazing items for you to collect. Along with seven new characters, alternate styles, accessories and more, there are extra quests to complete for bonus gifts—just start playing and rake in the rewards!

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Häufigkeit: Einmal Herausgeber: A360 Media, LLC Ausgabe: The Ultimate Guide to Fortnite (Chapter 4 Season 2)

OverDrive Magazine

  • Freigabedatum: 5. Mai 2023


OverDrive Magazine



A new Season of Fortnite is always a cause for excitement, but Chapter 4, Season 2 is on a whole new level. The southern end of the Island has been completely transformed, with a brand-new Biome inspired by incredible real-life locations in Japan. Wander the dark streets of MEGA City, a futuristic cyberpunk metropolis, or admire the traditional architecture and stunning scenery in the surrounding regions—this is Fortnite like we’ve never seen it before! There are also some new game mechanics coming to spice up the fight, like Rail Grinding: You can explore the Island at lightning speed while keeping your hands free for combat. Take to the skies, ride the rails and get a bird’s-eye view of the landscape . The new Battle Pass is as exciting as ever, jam-packed with amazing items for you to collect. Along with seven new characters, alternate styles, accessories and more, there are extra quests to complete for bonus gifts—just start playing and rake in the rewards!

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