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Outdoor Life - The Complete Guide to Camping

Outdoor Life - The Complete Guide to Camping

My parents owned a 1972 orange Volkswagen Westfalia bus. We would load up on a Friday evening, and on Saturday morning would drive somewhere that felt far away and different, but was actually about 45 minutes from home. My brother slept in the pop-up top of the camper; I slept in a hammock stretched between the two front doors. The back bench seat folded out into a double bed for my parents.

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Häufigkeit: Einmal Herausgeber: A360 Media, LLC Ausgabe: Outdoor Life - The Complete Guide to Camping

OverDrive Magazine

  • Freigabedatum: 5. Mai 2023


OverDrive Magazine



My parents owned a 1972 orange Volkswagen Westfalia bus. We would load up on a Friday evening, and on Saturday morning would drive somewhere that felt far away and different, but was actually about 45 minutes from home. My brother slept in the pop-up top of the camper; I slept in a hammock stretched between the two front doors. The back bench seat folded out into a double bed for my parents.

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