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Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars

Collects Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1-4, Secret Wars (1984) #1. Official SECRET WARS tie-in! Well, not that SECRET WARS — we're talking the original epic from 1984! But wait, Deadpool wasn't in that series, right? Wrong! Prepare to learn the terrifying truth as the team behind DEADPOOL KILLUSTRATED reveals the crucial role the Merc with a Mouth played on the Beyonder's Battleworld! A role so secret, the rest of Marvel's super heroes don't even remember it! Now, relive the Secret Wars — from Doctor Doom's rise to power to Hulk holding up a mountain — all with added Deadpool! Amid the chaos, there comes…and goes…a costume — but Wade's awesome secret shield is totally for keeps! Prepare to discover how the original SECRET WARS really ended — and how the sassin' assassin saved the universe!

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Collects Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #1-4, Secret Wars (1984) #1. Official SECRET WARS tie-in! Well, not that SECRET WARS — we're talking the original epic from 1984! But wait, Deadpool wasn't in that series, right? Wrong! Prepare to learn the terrifying truth as the team behind DEADPOOL KILLUSTRATED reveals the crucial role the Merc with a Mouth played on the Beyonder's Battleworld! A role so secret, the rest of Marvel's super heroes don't even remember it! Now, relive the Secret Wars — from Doctor Doom's rise to power to Hulk holding up a mountain — all with added Deadpool! Amid the chaos, there comes…and goes…a costume — but Wade's awesome secret shield is totally for keeps! Prepare to discover how the original SECRET WARS really ended — and how the sassin' assassin saved the universe!

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