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The Orville, Volume 1

An edition chronicling six missions not seen in the episodes of Seth MacFarlane's beloved sci-fi TV show! Written by executive producer David A. Goodman and set in between the events of seasons one through three, this deluxe volume collects the stories from The Orville Season 1.5: New Beginnings, The Orville Season 2.5: Launch Day, and The Orville Season 2.5: Digressions. ""Brimming with plenty of the signature humor, wit, and sense of adventure that have made the show a hit, The Orville is ready to fly you to the stars and beyond!"" –Infinite Earths

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OverDrive Read



An edition chronicling six missions not seen in the episodes of Seth MacFarlane's beloved sci-fi TV show! Written by executive producer David A. Goodman and set in between the events of seasons one through three, this deluxe volume collects the stories from The Orville Season 1.5: New Beginnings, The Orville Season 2.5: Launch Day, and The Orville Season 2.5: Digressions. ""Brimming with plenty of the signature humor, wit, and sense of adventure that have made the show a hit, The Orville is ready to fly you to the stars and beyond!"" –Infinite Earths

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