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Iyanu: Child of Wonder, Volume 2

The orphan Iyanu is thrust into the wildlands beyond the safety of the walls of her home! She must quickly learn to work with an exile and the people of the Riverlands Settlement if she hopes to save her mentor. Meanwhile, Chancellor Nuro finalizes a diabolical plan that threatens to destroy the entirety of Yorubaland in his greedy hunt to capture Iyanu, also known now as the Chosen One! All-new stories about extraordinary characters inspired by African history, culture, and mythology.

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The orphan Iyanu is thrust into the wildlands beyond the safety of the walls of her home! She must quickly learn to work with an exile and the people of the Riverlands Settlement if she hopes to save her mentor. Meanwhile, Chancellor Nuro finalizes a diabolical plan that threatens to destroy the entirety of Yorubaland in his greedy hunt to capture Iyanu, also known now as the Chosen One! All-new stories about extraordinary characters inspired by African history, culture, and mythology.

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