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Windmaker, Volume 1

The West African nation of Atala is thrust into an era of unrest and dysfunction after their beloved president turns vicious dictator. With the country on the brink of civil war, the WindMaker—an ancient hero of the Atalians—mysteriously returns in what appears to be an effort to save his people. The only problem is that his spirit is reincarnated into the last person anyone expects to help—the president's head of security! ""Our mission is and always has been about empowering African creatives and storytelling."" –Roye Okupe

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The West African nation of Atala is thrust into an era of unrest and dysfunction after their beloved president turns vicious dictator. With the country on the brink of civil war, the WindMaker—an ancient hero of the Atalians—mysteriously returns in what appears to be an effort to save his people. The only problem is that his spirit is reincarnated into the last person anyone expects to help—the president's head of security! ""Our mission is and always has been about empowering African creatives and storytelling."" –Roye Okupe

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