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The Orville Season 2.5: Digressions

Join the starship Orville on these new missions set between seasons two and three of Seth MacFarlane's hit sci-fi TV show! Across space and time, Captain Ed Mercer and his crew explore some of the galaxy's greatest mysteries in these two thrilling adventures written by Executive Producer David A. Goodman. Collects Digressions parts 1-2 and Artifacts parts 1-2.

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Join the starship Orville on these new missions set between seasons two and three of Seth MacFarlane's hit sci-fi TV show! Across space and time, Captain Ed Mercer and his crew explore some of the galaxy's greatest mysteries in these two thrilling adventures written by Executive Producer David A. Goodman. Collects Digressions parts 1-2 and Artifacts parts 1-2.

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