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The EC Archives: Terror Illustrated

Enjoy the complete run of Terror Illustrated, an innovative ""Picto-Fiction"" magazine containing illustrated prose stories of terror, murder, and more of societys supernatural secrets--featuring work by the classic crew of the EC bullpen: Al Feldstein, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando Johnny Craig, and more! This archive volume contains Terror Illustrated issues 1 though 3. • Features the never printed third issue and a brand-new foreword by Mick Garris!

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Enjoy the complete run of Terror Illustrated, an innovative ""Picto-Fiction"" magazine containing illustrated prose stories of terror, murder, and more of societys supernatural secrets--featuring work by the classic crew of the EC bullpen: Al Feldstein, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando Johnny Craig, and more! This archive volume contains Terror Illustrated issues 1 though 3. • Features the never printed third issue and a brand-new foreword by Mick Garris!

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