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Malika: Warrior Queen (2017), Volume 2

Malika, queen and commander of the fifteenth-century West-African empire Azzaz, has been flung into the year 2025. After years of moving in the shadows, Malika is forced out of hiding by the Olon Jin—ancient sorcerers imprisoned for centuries because of their obsession with dark magic. Malika uncovers a sinister plot that predates her own five-hundred-year-old legend as Warrior Queen and threatens to end humanity.""Our mission is and always has been about empowering African creatives and storytelling while bringing both to a global audience."" –Roye Okupe

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Malika, queen and commander of the fifteenth-century West-African empire Azzaz, has been flung into the year 2025. After years of moving in the shadows, Malika is forced out of hiding by the Olon Jin—ancient sorcerers imprisoned for centuries because of their obsession with dark magic. Malika uncovers a sinister plot that predates her own five-hundred-year-old legend as Warrior Queen and threatens to end humanity.""Our mission is and always has been about empowering African creatives and storytelling while bringing both to a global audience."" –Roye Okupe

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