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Star Wars: Darth Vader By Greg Pak, Volume 3

Collects Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #12-17. What will a raging War of the Bounty Hunters mean for the Dark Lord's ongoing schemes? Returned to the fold after his rebellion against the Emperor, Darth Vader faces the horrors of reconstruction in the secret laboratories of Coruscant. As he blacks out under the knife, does the Dark Lord of the Sith still dream of revenge against his master? Or do his thoughts drift toward his son…and the friends who make Luke Skywalker so vulnerable? Don't miss this next critical new chapter in Darth Vader's ongoing evolution — featuring the revelation of the first time that Vader learned the name Han Solo! As Vader and Ochi of Bestoon embark upon a search for Solo's carbonite-frozen body, who is the Umbaran? What happens when she emerges from the darkness?

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Collects Star Wars: Darth Vader (2020) #12-17. What will a raging War of the Bounty Hunters mean for the Dark Lord's ongoing schemes? Returned to the fold after his rebellion against the Emperor, Darth Vader faces the horrors of reconstruction in the secret laboratories of Coruscant. As he blacks out under the knife, does the Dark Lord of the Sith still dream of revenge against his master? Or do his thoughts drift toward his son…and the friends who make Luke Skywalker so vulnerable? Don't miss this next critical new chapter in Darth Vader's ongoing evolution — featuring the revelation of the first time that Vader learned the name Han Solo! As Vader and Ochi of Bestoon embark upon a search for Solo's carbonite-frozen body, who is the Umbaran? What happens when she emerges from the darkness?

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