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Guardians Of The Galaxy By Al Ewing, Volume 3

Collects Guardians Of The Galaxy (2020) #13-18. A new age of space starts here! They were soldiers, misfits, mercenaries, thieves and a family. They were heroes - but times have changed. The galaxy no longer needs heroes. It needs super heroes! Now when the call goes forth - whether it's from a stranded team of planetary explorers or Emperor Hulkling himself - the Guardians of the Galaxy answer! As half the team defends the Kree/Skrull Throneworld against a deadlier threat than they've ever faced before, the other half investigates a terrifying sacrificial cult on a mysterious planet - with the power to plunge the universe into war! New headquarters! New costumes! New teammates! An all-new enemy you'll have to see to believe! And a whole cosmos of trouble! Get on board, True Believer - it's going to be the ride of your life!

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Collects Guardians Of The Galaxy (2020) #13-18. A new age of space starts here! They were soldiers, misfits, mercenaries, thieves and a family. They were heroes - but times have changed. The galaxy no longer needs heroes. It needs super heroes! Now when the call goes forth - whether it's from a stranded team of planetary explorers or Emperor Hulkling himself - the Guardians of the Galaxy answer! As half the team defends the Kree/Skrull Throneworld against a deadlier threat than they've ever faced before, the other half investigates a terrifying sacrificial cult on a mysterious planet - with the power to plunge the universe into war! New headquarters! New costumes! New teammates! An all-new enemy you'll have to see to believe! And a whole cosmos of trouble! Get on board, True Believer - it's going to be the ride of your life!

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