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Runaways By Rainbow Rowell, Volume 6

Collects Runaways (2017) #32-38. The Runaways are in a dark and scary place. There are so many pieces to pick up and choices to be made — and if the team is good at anything, it's making bad choices. Which leads them to descend into one of the most terrifying Marvel Universe locations ever: high school! It goes better for some than others. But when Wolverine and Pixie of the X-Men arrive with an offer for Molly, she finds herself faced with the biggest decision of her young life: stay with the Runaways, or finally find a home on the mutant island utopia that is Krakoa? Meanwhile, Nico made a rough decision — and she's about to pay for it. And just as the Runaways finally rebuild their lives, everything comes crashing to the ground. And at the center of it all is…Gert?!

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Collects Runaways (2017) #32-38. The Runaways are in a dark and scary place. There are so many pieces to pick up and choices to be made — and if the team is good at anything, it's making bad choices. Which leads them to descend into one of the most terrifying Marvel Universe locations ever: high school! It goes better for some than others. But when Wolverine and Pixie of the X-Men arrive with an offer for Molly, she finds herself faced with the biggest decision of her young life: stay with the Runaways, or finally find a home on the mutant island utopia that is Krakoa? Meanwhile, Nico made a rough decision — and she's about to pay for it. And just as the Runaways finally rebuild their lives, everything comes crashing to the ground. And at the center of it all is…Gert?!

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