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Moon Knight (2006), Volume 3

Collects Moon Knight (2006) #14-20. Moon Knight is back in the game - leaving a trail of broken bodies in his wake - and everyone wants to know the same thing: Who the hell gave this psycho a Registration Card? But no one wants to know more than the architect of the Initiative, Tony Stark. As the body count grows, the pressure to bring in the poster child for super-powered irresponsibility might grow too much for Stark to ignore!

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Collects Moon Knight (2006) #14-20. Moon Knight is back in the game - leaving a trail of broken bodies in his wake - and everyone wants to know the same thing: Who the hell gave this psycho a Registration Card? But no one wants to know more than the architect of the Initiative, Tony Stark. As the body count grows, the pressure to bring in the poster child for super-powered irresponsibility might grow too much for Stark to ignore!

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