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Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2009), Volume 2

Collects Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7-10. Guest-starring Deadpool! Herman Goncharenko lies at death's door, wasting away of cancer, but someone wants him killed, not dead. Someone desperate enough to hire a certain mouthy mercenary to do the job. Gonchrenko's only hope just might be the reformed Moon Knight - if he's able to withstand the force of nature known as Deadpool, and if Goncharenko is, indeed, worth saving.

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Collects Vengeance of the Moon Knight #7-10. Guest-starring Deadpool! Herman Goncharenko lies at death's door, wasting away of cancer, but someone wants him killed, not dead. Someone desperate enough to hire a certain mouthy mercenary to do the job. Gonchrenko's only hope just might be the reformed Moon Knight - if he's able to withstand the force of nature known as Deadpool, and if Goncharenko is, indeed, worth saving.

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