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Thor By Donny Cates, Volume 1

Collects Thor (2020) #1-6. A new legend begins! The prince is now a king. All of Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder, and the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming — and to triumph over this new threat, Thor must be transformed in a most unexpected way! Bursting with new power and set on a dangerous path, Thor will battle friend and foe alike. But can he convince Beta Ray Bill to let him continue his bloody mission to save all that is? The Black Winter has the power to reveal the means of any person's demise. Thor will glimpse his future — and if the vision is true, Asgard will soon need a new Odinson to take the throne!

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Collects Thor (2020) #1-6. A new legend begins! The prince is now a king. All of Asgard lies before Thor, the God of Thunder, and the Ten Realms are finally at peace. But the skies above the Realm Eternal are never clear for long. The Black Winter is coming — and to triumph over this new threat, Thor must be transformed in a most unexpected way! Bursting with new power and set on a dangerous path, Thor will battle friend and foe alike. But can he convince Beta Ray Bill to let him continue his bloody mission to save all that is? The Black Winter has the power to reveal the means of any person's demise. Thor will glimpse his future — and if the vision is true, Asgard will soon need a new Odinson to take the throne!

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