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Vengeance of the Moon Knight (2009), Volume 1

Collects Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1-6. Moon Knight is back in the Big Apple and looking to pick a fight with the man who chased him out of town in the first place: Norman Osborn. Freed of his demons and armed with an arsenal of incredible new weapons, Moon Knight is finally the hero he always aspired to be – taking out criminals with massive flair and throwing down the gauntlet to his old nemesis. Is Osborn ready for Round Two?

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Collects Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1-6. Moon Knight is back in the Big Apple and looking to pick a fight with the man who chased him out of town in the first place: Norman Osborn. Freed of his demons and armed with an arsenal of incredible new weapons, Moon Knight is finally the hero he always aspired to be – taking out criminals with massive flair and throwing down the gauntlet to his old nemesis. Is Osborn ready for Round Two?

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