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Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Spider-Man

Collects Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Spider-Man — Across The Spider-Verse, Web Of Intrigue, Spider-Sense Of Adventure And Web Designers & Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Captain Marvel - First Day of School #1. It's a Spider-tacular adventure when Spider-Man is visited by his fellow web-slingers! What wall-crawling, web-swinging trouble will Peter Parker get into when he's joined by Anya Corazon, Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen? There's only one way to find out! Power is a great responsibility — but it's a weight more easily carried with others! Being a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man isn't all hanging out with your pals, though — there are also fearsome foes to deal with! But whether Spidey's slinging jokes or slinging webs, he's sure to bring a smile to the faces of readers of all ages! It's hijinks, hilarity and heroism with all your favorite Spider-People!

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Collects Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Spider-Man — Across The Spider-Verse, Web Of Intrigue, Spider-Sense Of Adventure And Web Designers & Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Captain Marvel - First Day of School #1. It's a Spider-tacular adventure when Spider-Man is visited by his fellow web-slingers! What wall-crawling, web-swinging trouble will Peter Parker get into when he's joined by Anya Corazon, Miles Morales and Spider-Gwen? There's only one way to find out! Power is a great responsibility — but it's a weight more easily carried with others! Being a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man isn't all hanging out with your pals, though — there are also fearsome foes to deal with! But whether Spidey's slinging jokes or slinging webs, he's sure to bring a smile to the faces of readers of all ages! It's hijinks, hilarity and heroism with all your favorite Spider-People!

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