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Marvels Snapshots

Collects Sub-Mariner: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Captain America: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, X-Men: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Avengers: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Spider-Man: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Civil War: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1. Celebrate the history of the House of Ideas! Curator Kurt Busiek and an awesome assemblage of talent present a series of tales featuring some of Marvel's greatest heroes — as seen through the wide eyes of ordinary residents of the Marvel Universe! From the Sub-Mariner fighting in World War II to the dawn of the Marvel Age to the very different conflict of the superhuman Civil War, witness the lives, loves and losses of the everyday people caught up in the adventures of Spider-Man, Captain America, the Avengers, Captain Marvel and more! These unique perspectives include those of henchmen, first responders, old flames…and even a teenage pre-Cyclops Scott Summers!

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Herausgeber: Marvel Worldwide, Inc. Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781302936808
  • Freigabedatum: 1. Juni 2021


OverDrive Read



Collects Sub-Mariner: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Fantastic Four: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Captain America: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, X-Men: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Avengers: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Spider-Man: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Civil War: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1, Captain Marvel: Marvels Snapshots (2020) #1. Celebrate the history of the House of Ideas! Curator Kurt Busiek and an awesome assemblage of talent present a series of tales featuring some of Marvel's greatest heroes — as seen through the wide eyes of ordinary residents of the Marvel Universe! From the Sub-Mariner fighting in World War II to the dawn of the Marvel Age to the very different conflict of the superhuman Civil War, witness the lives, loves and losses of the everyday people caught up in the adventures of Spider-Man, Captain America, the Avengers, Captain Marvel and more! These unique perspectives include those of henchmen, first responders, old flames…and even a teenage pre-Cyclops Scott Summers!

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