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King In Black: Namor

Collects King In Black: Namor (2020) #1-5. An untold tale of the young Sub-Mariner — and the dark, chilling birth of one of Atlantis' greatest villains! The players: Namor, Lady Dorma of Atlantis, the outsider Attuma — all still in their teen years — and the Swift Riders, the Atlantean Empire's greatest heroes. It begins with alliances and possibilities — but what lies ahead is tragedy, betrayal and deadly magics unleashed! As the three youths join the Swift Riders on a vital mission, the ensuing catastrophe brings to life the most menacing threat Atlantis has ever faced! Will the Black Tide cut a swath of devastation and death across the ocean floor, laying waste to all that stands before them? It's a deep dive into Marvel history — where the secrets of the King in Black are buried!

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Collects King In Black: Namor (2020) #1-5. An untold tale of the young Sub-Mariner — and the dark, chilling birth of one of Atlantis' greatest villains! The players: Namor, Lady Dorma of Atlantis, the outsider Attuma — all still in their teen years — and the Swift Riders, the Atlantean Empire's greatest heroes. It begins with alliances and possibilities — but what lies ahead is tragedy, betrayal and deadly magics unleashed! As the three youths join the Swift Riders on a vital mission, the ensuing catastrophe brings to life the most menacing threat Atlantis has ever faced! Will the Black Tide cut a swath of devastation and death across the ocean floor, laying waste to all that stands before them? It's a deep dive into Marvel history — where the secrets of the King in Black are buried!

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