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Spider-Ham: Aporkalypse Now

Collects Spider-Ham (2019) #1-5. Not a dream! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary tail! (Get it?) Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham returns to the pages of his very own series! As if the swiney super hero's recent adventures across the various dimensions of the Spider-Verse weren't enough, Spider-Ham now finds himself jumping through time! And accompanied by Spider-Man (the human version), no less! It's the human/porcine/arachnid Marvel team-Up you've been waiting for! But can Ham and Man prevent the horrors of — Aporkalypse Now?! What threat could be so dangerous — so deadly — that it imperils the Marvel Multiverse's piggy protector, even with his cartoonish resistance to injury? Find out in one of the wildest adventures the Spider-Verse has ever seen!

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Collects Spider-Ham (2019) #1-5. Not a dream! Not a hoax! Not an imaginary tail! (Get it?) Peter Porker, the Spectacular Spider-Ham returns to the pages of his very own series! As if the swiney super hero's recent adventures across the various dimensions of the Spider-Verse weren't enough, Spider-Ham now finds himself jumping through time! And accompanied by Spider-Man (the human version), no less! It's the human/porcine/arachnid Marvel team-Up you've been waiting for! But can Ham and Man prevent the horrors of — Aporkalypse Now?! What threat could be so dangerous — so deadly — that it imperils the Marvel Multiverse's piggy protector, even with his cartoonish resistance to injury? Find out in one of the wildest adventures the Spider-Verse has ever seen!

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