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Shuri (2018), Volume 2

Collects Shuri #6-10. Shuri faces her destiny! With T'Challa gone and Wakanda in peril, the Black Panther is needed — and Shuri must step up to fill the void. But she's about to face a threat unlike any her home has seen before! Shuri heads to America to investigate a lead, but she's not the only hero on the case. With New York City and New Jersey in danger as well, there's no way Miles "Spider-Man" Morales and Kamala "Ms. Marvel" Khan are sitting this one out! And with her people in peril, Shuri takes up the Black Panther mantle once again! But this is a Panther you've never seen before — one who will change Wakanda forever. Prepare for a high-tech, star-studded adventure as only Shuri can serve up!

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Collects Shuri #6-10. Shuri faces her destiny! With T'Challa gone and Wakanda in peril, the Black Panther is needed — and Shuri must step up to fill the void. But she's about to face a threat unlike any her home has seen before! Shuri heads to America to investigate a lead, but she's not the only hero on the case. With New York City and New Jersey in danger as well, there's no way Miles "Spider-Man" Morales and Kamala "Ms. Marvel" Khan are sitting this one out! And with her people in peril, Shuri takes up the Black Panther mantle once again! But this is a Panther you've never seen before — one who will change Wakanda forever. Prepare for a high-tech, star-studded adventure as only Shuri can serve up!

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