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Black Widow: The Sting Of The Widow

Collects Tales Of Suspense #52, Amazing Spider-Man (1962) #86, Amazing Adventures (1970) #1-8 And Daredevil (1962) #81. She started as a super-spy and ended up a super-star! After failed endeavors with the Crimson Dynamo, Natasha Romanova ditches her fishnets for a black bodysuit and a solo crime-fighting career against gangsters and terrorists, in rare stories not reprinted in decades! Goliath, formerly the archer known as Hawkeye, wants them to be a costumed couple, but an android matchmaker has other ideas when he manipulates the Black Widow into rescuing Daredevil, the better to use them both! Guest-starring Spider-Man!

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Herausgeber: Marvel Worldwide, Inc. Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781302504083
  • Freigabedatum: 30. Mai 2018


OverDrive Read



Collects Tales Of Suspense #52, Amazing Spider-Man (1962) #86, Amazing Adventures (1970) #1-8 And Daredevil (1962) #81. She started as a super-spy and ended up a super-star! After failed endeavors with the Crimson Dynamo, Natasha Romanova ditches her fishnets for a black bodysuit and a solo crime-fighting career against gangsters and terrorists, in rare stories not reprinted in decades! Goliath, formerly the archer known as Hawkeye, wants them to be a costumed couple, but an android matchmaker has other ideas when he manipulates the Black Widow into rescuing Daredevil, the better to use them both! Guest-starring Spider-Man!

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