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Daredevil By Chip Zdarsky, Volume 3

Collects Daredevil (2018) #11-15. Daredevil goes through hell! As Matt Murdock struggles with his inner demons, Detective Cole North continues hunting the vigilantes of New York. And his first target is-Spider-Man! Meanwhile, the Devil still runs the Kitchen, but who - or what - are they? And what happens when dirty cops capture a fake DD? When the ongoing saga of Mayor Wilson Fisk takes a brutal, bloody turn, Matt soon finds himself with no choice but to investigate the corruption in New York's police force. And without a Man Without Fear to stand in his way, the Owl turns his horrifying sights on both Hell's Kitchen and Izzy Libris! The city is descending into chaos - and a protector must rise!

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Collects Daredevil (2018) #11-15. Daredevil goes through hell! As Matt Murdock struggles with his inner demons, Detective Cole North continues hunting the vigilantes of New York. And his first target is-Spider-Man! Meanwhile, the Devil still runs the Kitchen, but who - or what - are they? And what happens when dirty cops capture a fake DD? When the ongoing saga of Mayor Wilson Fisk takes a brutal, bloody turn, Matt soon finds himself with no choice but to investigate the corruption in New York's police force. And without a Man Without Fear to stand in his way, the Owl turns his horrifying sights on both Hell's Kitchen and Izzy Libris! The city is descending into chaos - and a protector must rise!

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