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Thus Spake Zarathustra


Thus Spake Zarathustra is an important philosophical text by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. In it he begins his exploration of morality, questioning the assumption of Christianity or Judaism as a basis for morality. He wrote about the "death of God" and the "Übermensch" (superhuman) who would have supreme morality. Ironically, Nietzsche mimics the style of the Bible, fictionalizing Zarathustra as his protagonist.

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Herausgeber: Duke Classics

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781620114643
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012


  • ISBN: 9781620114643
  • Dateigröße: 485 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012

Open EPUB-ebook

  • ISBN: 9781620114643
  • Dateigröße: 475 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012


OverDrive Read
Open EPUB-ebook



Thus Spake Zarathustra is an important philosophical text by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. In it he begins his exploration of morality, questioning the assumption of Christianity or Judaism as a basis for morality. He wrote about the "death of God" and the "Übermensch" (superhuman) who would have supreme morality. Ironically, Nietzsche mimics the style of the Bible, fictionalizing Zarathustra as his protagonist.

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