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Immortal Hulk (2018), Volume 5

Collects Immortal Hulk #21-25. The horrific, critically acclaimed saga of the Immortal Hulk continues! General Fortean has been pursuing his undying foe for some time without success, and now he must make a fateful decision. There can be no more half measures. No weapon is off the table. Force must be met with equal force. This is a war without rules — and Shadow Base is going to win. Its goal is to stop the monsters, to end the forces of chaos — and to give their power to men of order. But the monsters have goals of their own. And now they're working together. Rick Jones remembers everything — and you wouldn't like him when he's angry.

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Collects Immortal Hulk #21-25. The horrific, critically acclaimed saga of the Immortal Hulk continues! General Fortean has been pursuing his undying foe for some time without success, and now he must make a fateful decision. There can be no more half measures. No weapon is off the table. Force must be met with equal force. This is a war without rules — and Shadow Base is going to win. Its goal is to stop the monsters, to end the forces of chaos — and to give their power to men of order. But the monsters have goals of their own. And now they're working together. Rick Jones remembers everything — and you wouldn't like him when he's angry.

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