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Stranger Things

The hit Netflix series from the Duffer Brothers is now a spine-tingling comic that recounts Will Beyers' harrowing survival in the treacherous Upside Down!When Will Byers finds himself in the Upside Down, an impossible dark parody of his own world, he's understandably frightened. But that's nothing compared with the fear that takes hold when he realizes what's in that world with him! Follow Will's struggle through the season one events of the hit Netflix show Stranger Things! Written by Jody Houser (Mother Panic, Faith) and illustrated by Stefano Martino (Doctor Who, Catwoman)

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OverDrive Read



The hit Netflix series from the Duffer Brothers is now a spine-tingling comic that recounts Will Beyers' harrowing survival in the treacherous Upside Down!When Will Byers finds himself in the Upside Down, an impossible dark parody of his own world, he's understandably frightened. But that's nothing compared with the fear that takes hold when he realizes what's in that world with him! Follow Will's struggle through the season one events of the hit Netflix show Stranger Things! Written by Jody Houser (Mother Panic, Faith) and illustrated by Stefano Martino (Doctor Who, Catwoman)

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