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Die (2018), Volume 3

In the world of DIE, the players are now real players. Countries are their pieces, and the board threatens to run red with blood. Who is the Queen, and who are pawns? Who's playing to win? Who's forgotten what they're playing for? And what will they do when they're reminded of the real stakes? The critically acclaimed dark fantasy smash hit goes epic in its third volume. Collects DIE #11-15

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Reihe: Die (2018) Herausgeber: Image Comics Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781534314894
  • Freigabedatum: 23. Dezember 2020



OverDrive Read



In the world of DIE, the players are now real players. Countries are their pieces, and the board threatens to run red with blood. Who is the Queen, and who are pawns? Who's playing to win? Who's forgotten what they're playing for? And what will they do when they're reminded of the real stakes? The critically acclaimed dark fantasy smash hit goes epic in its third volume. Collects DIE #11-15

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