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A supernatural tale of friendship, the devil, and moral gray areas.Two women with wildly different worldviews become unlikely friends as they navigate the supernatural happenings in a sleepy coastal parish--and soon find themselves forced to choose sides in the war between good and evil, facing demons, curses, and a miniature Rapture!The latest graphic novel from John Allison, author of Giant Days!Collects issues #1-#5 of Dark Horse Comics series Steeple.

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A supernatural tale of friendship, the devil, and moral gray areas.Two women with wildly different worldviews become unlikely friends as they navigate the supernatural happenings in a sleepy coastal parish--and soon find themselves forced to choose sides in the war between good and evil, facing demons, curses, and a miniature Rapture!The latest graphic novel from John Allison, author of Giant Days!Collects issues #1-#5 of Dark Horse Comics series Steeple.

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