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Invincible (2003), Volume 13

Collects issues #66-70.5! In the aftermath of his battle with CONQUEST, Invincible and his world are left in ruins. He's faced with questions he doesn't know how to answer about his future as a hero and what is needed to actually protect the people of Earth. Meanwhile: deep in space, Nolan and Allen the Alien are making preparations for the impending VILTRUMITE WAR! This volume is not to be missed! Collects INVINCIBLE #66-70 and INVINCIBLE RETURNS #1. Author: Robert Kirkman. Illustrator: Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn, Fco Plascencia . 2010 Robert Kirkman, LLC, Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley.

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Collects issues #66-70.5! In the aftermath of his battle with CONQUEST, Invincible and his world are left in ruins. He's faced with questions he doesn't know how to answer about his future as a hero and what is needed to actually protect the people of Earth. Meanwhile: deep in space, Nolan and Allen the Alien are making preparations for the impending VILTRUMITE WAR! This volume is not to be missed! Collects INVINCIBLE #66-70 and INVINCIBLE RETURNS #1. Author: Robert Kirkman. Illustrator: Ryan Ottley, Cliff Rathburn, Fco Plascencia . 2010 Robert Kirkman, LLC, Cory Walker and Ryan Ottley.

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