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New Mutants (2009), Volume 2

Collects New Mutants #6-11. Cypher returns from the dead, but this is no joyful reunion! As one of the Black Queen Selene's shock troops in her war against the X-Men, the undead Doug Ramsey is back for one thing and one thing only: to kill Amara! Plus, Warlock, the Hellions risen from the dead and more morbid mayhem.

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Collects New Mutants #6-11. Cypher returns from the dead, but this is no joyful reunion! As one of the Black Queen Selene's shock troops in her war against the X-Men, the undead Doug Ramsey is back for one thing and one thing only: to kill Amara! Plus, Warlock, the Hellions risen from the dead and more morbid mayhem.

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