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Thor: God of Thunder (2013), Volume 2

Collects Thor: God of Thunder #6-11. Somewhere at the end of time, all the gods of the universe are enslaved, working to build a machine that will forever change the face of creation. What is...the Godbomb? And what can Thor, the last free god in all the cosmos, do to stop it? As Gorr's master plan continues to unfold, all hope for divinity is lost as Thor finds himself in chains alongside his fellow gods.

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Collects Thor: God of Thunder #6-11. Somewhere at the end of time, all the gods of the universe are enslaved, working to build a machine that will forever change the face of creation. What is...the Godbomb? And what can Thor, the last free god in all the cosmos, do to stop it? As Gorr's master plan continues to unfold, all hope for divinity is lost as Thor finds himself in chains alongside his fellow gods.

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