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Featuring the same core character as the long-running Spawn comic book, Hellspawn mires the protagonist in a dark, foreboding world of grime and dirty secrets. While Spawn highlights a battle between the dark and the light, Hellspawn is struggling mightily to keep the blackness at bay. This book is the stripped-down ugly essence of Todd McFarlane's Hell-born creation. This issue: "Love Lost, Part 2" - A choice between a centuries-old soulmate and a young survivor of Hell leaves the Hellspawn's newly revived life in shambles. Clinging to his humanity, the Hellspawn must decide between the two. If he makes the wrong choice, all three will die.. Author: Ashley Wood,Brian Michael Bendis, Steve Niles. Illustrator: Bill Sienkiewicz, Ben Templesmith . 2010 Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc..

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Reihe: Hellspawn (2000) Herausgeber: Image Comics Ausgabe: Complete, Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781534307346
  • Freigabedatum: 4. August 2010


OverDrive Read



Featuring the same core character as the long-running Spawn comic book, Hellspawn mires the protagonist in a dark, foreboding world of grime and dirty secrets. While Spawn highlights a battle between the dark and the light, Hellspawn is struggling mightily to keep the blackness at bay. This book is the stripped-down ugly essence of Todd McFarlane's Hell-born creation. This issue: "Love Lost, Part 2" - A choice between a centuries-old soulmate and a young survivor of Hell leaves the Hellspawn's newly revived life in shambles. Clinging to his humanity, the Hellspawn must decide between the two. If he makes the wrong choice, all three will die.. Author: Ashley Wood,Brian Michael Bendis, Steve Niles. Illustrator: Bill Sienkiewicz, Ben Templesmith . 2010 Todd McFarlane Productions, Inc..

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