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The New Avengers: Illuminati

Collects New Avengers: Illuminati #1-5. The Illuminati. An elite group of the planet's most powerful guardians to face its greatest threats. Join Iron Man, Professor X, Black Bolt, the Sub-Mariner and Mr. Fantastic as they take on the threats no one else can handle - and learn of secrets that will forever alter the way they (and you) look at the Marvel Universe!

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Collects New Avengers: Illuminati #1-5. The Illuminati. An elite group of the planet's most powerful guardians to face its greatest threats. Join Iron Man, Professor X, Black Bolt, the Sub-Mariner and Mr. Fantastic as they take on the threats no one else can handle - and learn of secrets that will forever alter the way they (and you) look at the Marvel Universe!

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