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Southern Cross (2015), Volume 2

Hazel Conroy was ready to retire. She left her life as a detective behind on Earth for a cushy job as a personal assistant on Titan... That is, until the disappearance of the Southern Cross dregs up skeletons from her past, shedding light on a bigger, more sinister conspiracy. As the refinery she works on descends into chaos, Hazel teams up with some unlikely friends and loads her service blaster one last time--taking aim at the very company that now employs her. Methane, ice, hell, and iron: The search for the Southern Cross begins on Titan.. Author: Becky Cloonan. Illustrator: Andy Belanger, Lee Loughridge . 2017 Becky Cloonan and Andy Belanger.

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Hazel Conroy was ready to retire. She left her life as a detective behind on Earth for a cushy job as a personal assistant on Titan... That is, until the disappearance of the Southern Cross dregs up skeletons from her past, shedding light on a bigger, more sinister conspiracy. As the refinery she works on descends into chaos, Hazel teams up with some unlikely friends and loads her service blaster one last time--taking aim at the very company that now employs her. Methane, ice, hell, and iron: The search for the Southern Cross begins on Titan.. Author: Becky Cloonan. Illustrator: Andy Belanger, Lee Loughridge . 2017 Becky Cloonan and Andy Belanger.

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