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Plants vs. Zombies (2013), Volume 11

Multiple Eisner-award winning author Paul Tobin returns, with Brittney Williams making her Plants vs. Zombies debut with another imaginative addition to the New York Times bestselling series! On your bookmarks...get set...GO! Let the bookish battle commence! When Dr. Zomboss and Crazy Dave find themselves members of the same book club, a literary war is inevitable! The position of leader of the book club opens up and the plants vs. zombies rivalry heats up as Zomboss and Crazy Dave compete for the top spot while Nate, Patrice, and their intrepid plants take on the zombies in a scholarly scuffle for the ages!

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Multiple Eisner-award winning author Paul Tobin returns, with Brittney Williams making her Plants vs. Zombies debut with another imaginative addition to the New York Times bestselling series! On your bookmarks...get set...GO! Let the bookish battle commence! When Dr. Zomboss and Crazy Dave find themselves members of the same book club, a literary war is inevitable! The position of leader of the book club opens up and the plants vs. zombies rivalry heats up as Zomboss and Crazy Dave compete for the top spot while Nate, Patrice, and their intrepid plants take on the zombies in a scholarly scuffle for the ages!

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