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Marvel's The Avengers: Age of Ultron Prelude

Collects Marvel's The Avengers 1-2, Avengers: Cinematic Infinite Comic 1, Avengers (1963) 57-58, Avengers (1998) 22, Avengers (2010) 12.1. The Avengers make their explosive return to the big screen this spring, and we've got everything you need to prepare right here! First, relive the historic first meeting between Marvel's mightiest heroes as Loki's plot to gain ultimate power sparks a worldwide manhunt, a vicious battle against the invading Chitauri in the heart of New York City and the founding of the mighty Avengers! Next, thrill to an all-new Infinite-style adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! What world-shaking threats have the Avengers battled since their last film? And can anything prepare them for the looming peril of the mad mechanoid known as Ultron? Plus: Thrill to classic adventures as Ultron manipulates the Vision, conquers a nation and battles the Avengers!

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Collects Marvel's The Avengers 1-2, Avengers: Cinematic Infinite Comic 1, Avengers (1963) 57-58, Avengers (1998) 22, Avengers (2010) 12.1. The Avengers make their explosive return to the big screen this spring, and we've got everything you need to prepare right here! First, relive the historic first meeting between Marvel's mightiest heroes as Loki's plot to gain ultimate power sparks a worldwide manhunt, a vicious battle against the invading Chitauri in the heart of New York City and the founding of the mighty Avengers! Next, thrill to an all-new Infinite-style adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe! What world-shaking threats have the Avengers battled since their last film? And can anything prepare them for the looming peril of the mad mechanoid known as Ultron? Plus: Thrill to classic adventures as Ultron manipulates the Vision, conquers a nation and battles the Avengers!

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