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Criminal (2006), Volume 2

THE BEST-SELLING CRIME SERIES CONTINUES IN THIS STRIKINGLY-DESIGNED EDITION FROM IMAGE! LAWLESS: A story of brotherly love and hate, as Tracy Lawless finally returns home to find out who murdered his kid brother, and how much their family history has doomed them both. This is where BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS take the world they created in CRIMINAL, VOL. 1 and begin stretching the boundaries of what crime comics can be. Author: Ed Brubaker. Illustrator: Sean Phillips, Val Staples . 2015 Basement Gang Inc.

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Reihe: Criminal (2006) Herausgeber: Image Comics Ausgabe: Collected

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781632153739
  • Freigabedatum: 18. Februar 2015


OverDrive Read



THE BEST-SELLING CRIME SERIES CONTINUES IN THIS STRIKINGLY-DESIGNED EDITION FROM IMAGE! LAWLESS: A story of brotherly love and hate, as Tracy Lawless finally returns home to find out who murdered his kid brother, and how much their family history has doomed them both. This is where BRUBAKER and PHILLIPS take the world they created in CRIMINAL, VOL. 1 and begin stretching the boundaries of what crime comics can be. Author: Ed Brubaker. Illustrator: Sean Phillips, Val Staples . 2015 Basement Gang Inc.

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