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Outer Darkness (2018), Volume 2

Co-creator of CHEW, JOHN LAYMAN, and artist AFU CHAN continue their terrifying exploration of space in this new volume! Captain Rigg's past is revealed, and the Charon finds a haunted house in deep space. If only the crew could figure out how there's still someone living insideÉ Collects OUTER DARKNESS #7-12. Author: John Layman. Illustrator: Afu Chan . 2019 Skybound, LLC..

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Co-creator of CHEW, JOHN LAYMAN, and artist AFU CHAN continue their terrifying exploration of space in this new volume! Captain Rigg's past is revealed, and the Charon finds a haunted house in deep space. If only the crew could figure out how there's still someone living insideÉ Collects OUTER DARKNESS #7-12. Author: John Layman. Illustrator: Afu Chan . 2019 Skybound, LLC..

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