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The Mighty Thor (2015), Volume 3

Collects Mighty Thor #13-19. As the War of the Realms rages on, the only way to defeat Malekith is with a united front - and it's up to Thor to bring the many races together! Now heroes from across the ten worlds - including Lady Sif and Angela - unite under Thor's command to form a new League of Realms, with the sole mission of bringing this conflict to an end! And their first mission is to infiltrate Dark- Elf-occupied territory! But when the war spreads to every branch of the World Tree, the League's road to peace is fraught with challenges they hadn't anticipated. To stand against the heroic allies, Malekith forms a wicked union of his own, calling on Loki and the all-new Kurse to take down Thor and her band of heroes!

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Collects Mighty Thor #13-19. As the War of the Realms rages on, the only way to defeat Malekith is with a united front - and it's up to Thor to bring the many races together! Now heroes from across the ten worlds - including Lady Sif and Angela - unite under Thor's command to form a new League of Realms, with the sole mission of bringing this conflict to an end! And their first mission is to infiltrate Dark- Elf-occupied territory! But when the war spreads to every branch of the World Tree, the League's road to peace is fraught with challenges they hadn't anticipated. To stand against the heroic allies, Malekith forms a wicked union of his own, calling on Loki and the all-new Kurse to take down Thor and her band of heroes!

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