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Man-Eaters (2018), Volume 3

Middle schooler Maude turns into a werepanther when she gets her period. Will an in-patient, anti-pantherism clinic called Ruminations cure her through hormone adjustment therapy? Or will Maude overthrow the patriarchy, solve a series of murders, and uncover a global capitalist conspiracy? (HINT: IT'S THE SECOND ONE.) This volume wraps up the MAN-EATERS series and includes the inspirational and informative guide, ÒHANDBOOK FOR THE REVOLUTION,Ó plus never-before-published extras. Collects MAN-EATERS #9-12. Author: Chelsea Cain. Illustrator: Elise McCall . 2019 Ministry of Trouble, Inc..

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Middle schooler Maude turns into a werepanther when she gets her period. Will an in-patient, anti-pantherism clinic called Ruminations cure her through hormone adjustment therapy? Or will Maude overthrow the patriarchy, solve a series of murders, and uncover a global capitalist conspiracy? (HINT: IT'S THE SECOND ONE.) This volume wraps up the MAN-EATERS series and includes the inspirational and informative guide, ÒHANDBOOK FOR THE REVOLUTION,Ó plus never-before-published extras. Collects MAN-EATERS #9-12. Author: Chelsea Cain. Illustrator: Elise McCall . 2019 Ministry of Trouble, Inc..

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